Border Collies and Sleep: How Long, Where, and the Benefits

Dogs are world-class snoozers — a fact that I’m sure you are well aware of. However, Border Collies seem to be in a different league. A bored collie can in fact stay awake for long hours, trying to find something worthwhile to do.

Also, where should Border Collies sleep? The answer remains a moot point among the pet owner community since we all know that back in the days, local farmers would just let their working dogs sleep in barns.

So, read on because at the end of the article, you’ll be more informed about Border Collies and sleep: how long, where, and the benefits a good night’s sleep provides.

How Much Do Border Collies Sleep?

The average family pooch spends about 50% of their time sleeping and almost half of the remaining percentage involves loafing around and waiting for snacks. However, Border Collies beg to differ and they don’t settle at all for hours.

While these energetic pooches may sit down for a while to play with their toys, it won’t take long for them to retort to running like a headless chicken! Don’t fret about it, though. This phenomenon is completely normal with Border Collies.

Working breeds, such as the Border Collie, are fine with fewer sleeping hours since they were bred to perform certain tasks that require dedication and immediate attention.


Border Collie Puppies: 18 – 20 Hours

As with human toddlers, our furbabies will need more sleep than healthy adult dogs. The general recommendation for puppies is between 18 to 20 hours each day up to the age of 12 weeks.

Sleep is crucial to a puppy’s growth, as it contributes to the development of the brain, immunity, muscles, and central nervous system. What’s more, it allows your pup to process and store all the information he learned when he has been awake.

But because the world is a vast and exciting place, Border Collie pups would barely pay attention to their biological clock and continue to burn a ton of energy. On the sunny side, there are many ways you can do to encourage your little pooch to rejuvenate as often as possible.

An excellent strategy is to confine your puppy inside a playpen filled with edible chews and toys with various shapes and textures. The playpen should prevent your pup from wandering around and force him to get some shut-eye after a period of activity.


Border Collie Adults: 12 Hours or Less

Border Collies sleep less than dogs with no work history, but you may also find these workaholics catching Z’s if they aren’t herding or hunting, especially when they are bored. But one thing is for sure — these dogs will bounce back immediately as soon as they sense some action going on. Always on their toes — in this case, paws — these vigilant canines make excellent watchdogs!

Ill and Aging Border Collies Sleep More

Border Collies have outbursts of energy, so they aren’t inclined to sleep a lot compared to pampered lapdogs, such as the likes of Frenchies and Shih Tzus. But if your usually active collie is suddenly sleeping all the time, then that should warrant a trip to the vet.

Changes in sleeping patterns, durations, or schedules may indicate an underlying problem. As for older dogs, they may sleep more than they used to because of mobility issues.

Where Should Border Collies Sleep?

Border Collies love the outdoors whatever the weather. The scorching heat, torrential rain, or chilly winds will not stop these outdoorsy canines from dashing here and there! Now, the classic debate — should Border Collies sleep inside or outside?

Back then, people would simply let their dogs sleep in backyard kennels and barns. However, these days it has become more common for dogs to sleep indoors since they are considered extended family members rather than four-legged security systems.


While I prefer my pooch nuzzling into my bed, it isn’t cruel to have a healthy adult canine sleep outdoors as long as his needs are provided for him. However, the biggest challenge when deciding to have your Border Collie sleep outside is the weather. When choosing a doghouse, you want to make sure it provides your canine companion adequate protection from the elements.

Ideally, it should be well-insulated and draft-free with a sturdy wooden floor off the ground and thick roofing felt to keep it dry. You’ll need to place the shelter in a spot out of the wind so that it couldn’t blow rain in and it should also provide your pooch shade from direct sunlight.

Regardless of your decision, having an outdoor doghouse will benefit your canine companion. However, dogs that are either too young or old should never be allowed to sleep outdoors at night.

Can Border Collies Sleep Outside During the Winter?

You may have heard about local farmers never had a problem with keeping their working dogs outside, but note that not all dogs can tolerate the bitter cold for an extended period. Therefore, it is important to consider how cold it gets in your area.

If the temperature is hitting double figures below zero, you’ll need to invite your collie inside the house. Using a heated dog bed inside the kennel is also an excellent strategy.


Where Should My Border Collie Sleep at Night?

Where your Border Collie sleeps all boils down to your decision, but it is your responsibility as a pet owner to make sure your canine companion is safe, healthy, and comfortable.

But if you live in an area where predators freely roam or if you suspect your neighbors have bad intentions, it is wise never to expose your Border Collie to such risks. Likewise, you should rethink it also if he barks all night.



Unlike humans, our canine companions have varying needs when it comes to sleep. To determine how many sleeping hours a dog needs, you’ll need to take into account several factors, such as the age, size, breed, energy levels, and medical condition of your dog.

The Border Collie sleeps fewer hours compared to non-working breeds. These diligent canines don’t seem to have an off switch, and the only key to tire them out is to provide them with lots of mental and physical stimulation.

That being said, it is vital to give your canine dynamo a comfortable place he can have all to himself when he finally decides to catch some Zs.

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